The wearing of a school uniform indicates pride in the school and shows other people that students are aware of their school and its achievements. Our school uniforms are attractive and functional. Our school community supports the wearing of full uniform. Jewellery and makeup are not a part of our uniform.
Uniform shop
Our uniform shop, located near the pick up area at the front of the school, is run by parent volunteers.
If you are unable to visit the uniform shop during its opening hours, a school uniform order can be placed through the School Office. Please print off an order form and enclose your cash or cheque in a sealed envelope marked 'Uniform Order' with your child's name and class. Orders can also be paid via direct deposit. Orders will be collected from the office by our uniform shop manager and processed as soon as possible. When your package is ready, it will be sent home with your child.
Download our Uniform order form (PDF 72.9KB).
Direct Deposit to P & C Uniforms account:
- P & C Uniform Account | Commonwealth Bank BSB: 062-595 | Account Number: 00905798